“Songs damage Mahumapelo’s reputation” says ANC

The ANC in the North West has received information that a few songs have been recorded, which carries content that damages the good name of ANC Provincial Chairperson Cde Supra Mahumapelo.

The ANC in the North West has received information that a few songs have been recorded, which carries content that damages the good name of ANC Provincial Chairperson Cde Supra Mahumapelo.

According to Dakota Legoete, ANC provincial secretary, the songs have already been shared on Whatsapp. Though the songs appear to be originating from another province, the ANC believe that  some in the North West are working with the artists to wreak havoc.

“We condemn their malicious aims in the strongest terms. This is not the first time that attempts have been made using music, to try and tarnish the image of our Provincial Chairperson. We in the ANC have been patient enough with such factional and divisive moves, but we have now reached a point where we need to take action. Moreover, making unfounded and malicious allegations against anyone – regardless of their political status – is punishable by law as it amounts to defamation. While the ANC is the first one to defend everyone’s freedom to express themselves, it is also the ANC’s duty to teach our people that the said freedom comes with responsibilities.” said Legoete in a statement.



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