EFF members allegedly assault loyal ANC supporter

“They beat me up repeatedly while I was screaming in pain and nobody came to my rescue until I passed out.”

“They beat me up repeatedly while I was screaming in pain and nobody came to my rescue until I passed out.”

Daniel Pogiso Mello, the 27-year-old Top City resident and father of two described how three assailants, believed to be EFF supporters, repeatedly sjambokked him, struck him with a knopkierie, and kicked him while he was on the floor. He sustained injuries to the head, eye, back and arms.
According to Daniel, who is an ANC supporter, the three men from his neighbourhood entered his home at 19:15 on Saturday and immediately questioned his allegiance to the ANC.
“They asked me why I was wearing an ANC T-shirt in an EFF stronghold. Before I could answer, they started assaulting me until I was on the floor and continued to kick me until I passed out,” he said. The unemployed victim says he woke up at 04:00 the following morning, unable to move from the pain and crawled to his bed. After a few hours, he decided to drag himself to his parents’ house in Kanana to get help.
“I doubt whether anyone in my neighbourhood would have helped me.
“My family called an ambulance to take me to the hospital.”
He spent two days in the hospital on a drip. He says an x-ray was conducted to check his spinal cord.
Daniel Mello ended up in a hospital bed after allegedly being assaulted by three members of the EFF. 
Photo: Selogile Leshage
“I am happy to be alive and, even though I’m in a lot of pain, I will get better. I think their main intention was to cripple me for life. I cannot believe I was beaten up for my vote.”
With the highly contested municipal elections in Tlokwe coming up, Daniel sends out a word of warning to the community to be vigilant because there is an unruly element attacking people from other parties.
“I know it is hard because the perpetrators even trespass and assault you in the comfort of your own home,” he said.
According to Daniel, one of his attackers is an EFF candidate in the municipal elections of August.
The Ikageng SAPS spokesperson, Const. Kelebogile Trom confirmed that a case of assault GBH (grievous bodily harm) has been opened at the station. The three alleged attackers aged 42, 46, and 17 were arrested. The teenager has already appeared in the Potchefstroom Magistrate court.
Daniel received lashes on the back and also sustained injuries on the buttocks.
Photo: Selogile Leshage
Daniel’s wounds from the sjambok that slashed into his flesh.
Photo: Selogile Leshage
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