Uncle rapes pre-teen niece

When the mother of an 11-year-old girl went to sleep over at her boyfriend’s house last Wednesday night, the child’s uncle raped her in her bed in Ext. 11.


When the mother of an 11-year-old girl went to sleep over at her boyfriend’s house last Wednesday night, the child’s uncle raped her in her bed in Ext. 11.
According to Const. Kelebogile Trom, the SAPS spokesperson, the family friend who reported the case says the uncle climbed under her blanket shortly after her mother left the house. The child experienced pain after he had raped her.
Trom urged the community to report incidents of rape.
“It does not matter whether the perpetrator is part of the family or not because, at the end of the day, the victim is the one who was violated and must get help and justice.
“Family members should refrain from reminding the victim of the incident or forcing her to withdraw the case,” she said.
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