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Burglaries on the rise, police warn

In light of the recent spate of burglaries in Ikageng, the police are offering useful tips and measures to safeguard property in residential areas.


In light of the recent spate of burglaries in Ikageng, the police are offering useful tips and measures to safeguard property in residential areas.
The Ikageng SAPS spokesperson, Const. Kelebogile Trom, says while burglaries in the residential areas of Ikageng are a serious problem, this type of crime is escalating in the whole of Potchefstroom and happens at any time of the day or night.
“The burglars sometimes come in at night while the occupants are fast asleep. They may break the lock of the door; enter through the window, roof or ceiling; break the security gate; use the key or use any kind of force to gain entry to the house,” she explained.
In shacks, however, intruders usually remove the corrugated iron at the back of the shack where no one can see them.
Another serious concern is that residents of RDP houses in Ikageng lend out their keys to the neighbours.
“We strongly discourage people from loaning each other their door keys, leaving them lying around or keeping them visible in cars.”
Another mistake that Potchefstroom residents make is leaving their lights on during holidays or when they go away for few days.
“Lights that burn at night are a dead giveaway to criminals that no one is home. Rather, get someone trustworthy from the family to look after the house.” This, she says, does not include minors or young girls who may be targetted by rapists.
Trom says the valuables that have been stolen most often in the past and continue to be stolen by criminals are televisions, plasma screen TVs, top-of-the-range cellphones, laptops, cameras, clothing, bedding, garden implements and kitchen utensils.
She urges the community to report burglaries as soon as possible after the crime has been committed. She warns residents not to touch anything in the house after a burglary because they might contaminate the crime scene and make it difficult to get fingerprints for identification.
“Before going to bed or work, ensure that the doors are properly locked and take extra measures by installing alarm systems and/or proper, strong burglar-proof doors and windows. “Please refrain from buying suspected stolen goods and report such to the police,” she said.
“Despite burglaries being on the rise, the police will continue to fight crime by patrolling the areas, and arresting the criminals,” she concluded.

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