Former NWU-Puk student now Miss SA finalist

Schané Venter, a former NWU-Puk student is one of the finalists in the Miss South Africa 2016 pageant. The ex-Vergeet-My-Nie resident proved that she had that wow-factor when she won the Miss RAG in 2012. Schané, born and raised in Alberton, Gauteng has a BCom degree in Marketing Management and qualifications in basic fashion design …

Schané Venter, a former NWU-Puk student is one of the finalists in the Miss South Africa 2016 pageant.
The ex-Vergeet-My-Nie resident proved that she had that wow-factor when she won the Miss RAG in 2012.
Schané, born and raised in Alberton, Gauteng has a BCom degree in Marketing Management and qualifications in basic fashion design and creative reception.
During her stay in Potchefstroom, she learned that people here are very unique.
“I loved every second of my time here. This is truly the place where I felt most alive. And, being an NWU-Puk student made it even more special for me. Potch taught me many life lessons and it warmed my heart to see that everyone cares for one another.
Schané was very involved in the community from her first year.
“I wanted to help wherever I could. I was chosen to serve on the SRC executive committee with the portfolio of Miss RAG Personality and I was chairman of the WOW (Women of Worth) committee.
After that, I decided to serve on the house committee and I was privileged to hold the portfolios of Miss VMN, finance and clothing. I was later chosen as the liaison member of the SRC,” she says. She also played netball and did athletics in her first year.
Schané admits that she does not come from a family of models.
“We are all shapes and sizes and love yummy food too much,” she laughs.

Schané, admiring her portrait.

Her lifelong dream was to be part of Miss SA.
“I participated in Miss SA Teen in 2007 and I told people close to me that I would be Miss SA one day. And, now, I am living my dream.
“I was visiting family in Kathu, exploring the Kalahari, riding a quad bike and eating whatever I wanted at the end of September when I got the email to say that I was a semi-finalist.”
The Top 12 were chosen in November and, according to Schané, the journey has been nothing short of magical.
“I have developed into a passionate South African woman who knows my future can be everything that I wish for it to be. It has been a true test of character as I had to remain true to myself throughout the journey. That is, after all, who the judges fell in love with and chose,” she says.
“Now, there are only a few more sleeps until the final evening. Our last judging interview took place on 14 March and Miss South Africa 2016 will be crowned on 19 March,” she says, excitedly.
“I am passionate about woman empowerment, especially about promoting self-worth. I want to lead by example and inspire my country as a living example of everything I stand for,” she says.
“If I am lucky enough to be Miss SA I plan to have my own campaign called ‘Be real, not perfect’.
Schane believes in real models, not role models.
“Some people fulfil roles that are not necessarily a true reflection of who they actually are. I want real; I want to be a person that people I can relate to. There are several individuals that I look up to. I take character traits from each one and incorporate them in my life to be a better person that I was yesterday.”
“I look up to Rolene Strauss because of her humanity. My sister has taught me to forgive easily and my grandmother, Ouma Meisie, always sees the best in everyone and is always ready to help whoever and wherever she can.”
Schané wants to do motivational sessions and schools and corporates as she believes her message is for all South Africans.
“My cause targets a wide range of people, has no age limit and is not gender specific. I believe both men and women have self-worth issues,” she explains.

Schané with Elmarie from the Child Welfare South Africa (Greater Alberton).

For Schané, being Miss SA will not only be a title, it will become her lifestyle.
“Only once you are content with who you are, can you be the best version of yourself and inspire people.
“I am blessed in abundance; being a finalist is one of the greatest gifts and blessings I have ever had. It has made me realise that I can make a difference and that I have it in me to inspire others. I know that, through hard work, perseverance and just being the best version of myself, it is possible to live my dream,” she says.
“Every time I put on my sash I appreciate the opportunity I have been given and the responsibility of being a finalist,” Schané adds.

Schané Venter with fellow finalists and Miss SA 2015, Liesl Laurie
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