Clothing, blankets and food for Mandela day

The community will have the opportunity to donate to the less fortunate on Mandela day.

On Thursday everyone will get the golden opportunity to give back to the community and help the less fortunate.

Like every year, The Round Table does a Winter Knights drive, but decided to incorporate it with Mandela day this year.

Michael Menezes, convenor of the project for Round Table, says they hope the community will get behind them and help make a difference together. “Most people want to help, they just don’t know when and where. Just donate, we will make sure the donations reach the hands of people who really need it.”

Please join Round Table and NTT Motor Group on Thursday 18 July 2024 at Spar, Baillie Park from 2pm to 6pm. Donations of clothing, blankets and tin food can be made at the Mandela Day event. Donations will be distributed around the Potchefstroom community.

“Together we can make an impactful change in the lives of the less privileged,” Menezes said.

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