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Disbanded SGB of Boys High calls for removal of principal

Angry parents of Potchefstroom High School for Boys and former members of the school’s governing body (SGB) got together on the school premises on Monday (15 March) to protest against the acting principal, Carel Meyer.

Angry parents of Potchefstroom High School for Boys and former members of the school’s governing body (SGB) got together on the school premises on Monday (15 March) to protest against the acting principal, Carel Meyer. “Meyer must go!” The crowd of almost 50 parents chanted, demanding his resignation.

But the Department of Education served the so-called SGB with a letter last Thursday (11 March), informing them of their intention to disband them. “The SGB had to react to the letter within 48 hours, stating why they shouldn’t be dismissed, but they never reacted,” said Gavin Edwards, the DA spokesperson for social development, education, and health in the North West Provincial Legislator, on Tuesday. According to Edwards, the former SGB members could not arrange a meeting with the parents since the school no longer employed them.

The gathering was arranged by the vice-chairperson of the former SGB, Sello Cele. Cele posted a Facebook message over the weekend, urging parents not to take their children to school. “On Monday, parents are advised not to take their children to school. There won’t be schooling on Monday.” In the message, he also stated, “Parents of learners in Potchefstroom High School for Boys are resolute that the acting principal must be shown the door. This is based on poor results from Grade 8 to 12.”

The vice-chairperson of the former SGB, Sello Cele, speaking to the parents. Photo: Venessa van der Westhuizen

Parents wanted to know more about the allegations that the South African Teachers’ Union (SAOU) had made against the SGB in February. One of the allegations was that they went against the acting principal’s will and employed incompetent teachers without budgeting for them. According to the SAOU, one of these teachers had the worst results in the school’s history – the Grade 12 learners only had a 61 per cent pass rate and not one learner achieved more than 50 per cent in that subject. The acting principal requested a disciplinary hearing in March 2020, but to date, the SGB hasn’t provided a date. The media statement also revealed that the SGB didn’t arrive for interviews with applicants for teaching positions. They are also being accused of not attending meetings to plan the budget. The budget had to be adjusted with the onset of Covid-19 but it was never done because, after three attempts, only one SGB member arrived for the meeting.

When the Herald asked Cele about the allegations on Monday, he firmly denied all. When he later addressed the crowd, he told them the SGB no longer had confidence in the education department since they were in “cahoots with the school”. “The school is held ransom by the acting principal who is ill-experienced and runs the school like a private farm. We want him out,” said Cele. Some parents have stated their concerns about the school’s low pass rate and said they also don’t trust the circuit manager of education.

Two officials, Mpiliso Tyatya and Oupa Sebolai, from the district director of education’s office, acknowledged the furious parents and said there would be answers by the end of the week.

The operational manager of the South African Teachers’ Union (SAOU), Johan Kruger, says the SGB is dysfunctional and is manipulating the school’s parents. They are also acting outside their jurisdiction. “They cannot make decisions on the future of Mr Meyer. Only the department can do that,” says Kruger.

Meanwhile, Rorisan Seabelo, a former learner of Boys High, has started a petition on The title of the petition is Hands off Potch Boys High. So far, 186 signatures have been gathered to support the acting principal, Carel Meyer. In the petition, Saebelo stated, “Mr Meyer has committed countless years to the development, discipline, and prosperity of Potch Boys High. It is not fair that those without a proper understanding of the history and culture of the school, a goalless SGB, want to come in and degenerate it to a point where the school’s rich history and culture will be wiped out. We cannot allow this!” He urges more parents to join the petition at

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