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Schoolgirl loses everything in house fire

A fire that started in the roof of a bedroom last Thursday (25 April) in Beyers Naudé Street burnt everything a grade 11 pupil of Girls High owned.

A fire that started in the roof of a bedroom last Thursday (25 April) in Beyers Naudé Street burnt everything a grade 11 pupil of Girls High owned.  The fire was presumably caused by an electrical error in the ceiling.

The fire occurred at approximately 16:30 whilst Christelee van der Merwe and her friend, Luzaan Henderson were doing homework in the dining room. They heard pieces of plaster/rocks falling on the floor in Christelee’s bedroom. At first she thought it was her stepdad, Gerhard that was working in another part of the house. She went to investigate but when she opened her bedroom door, she only saw smoke and flames.

The fire brigade arrived within 15 minutes and managed to prevent the fire from spreading to the rest of the house.

Christelee’s mom, Ingrid said it was devastating to see their house burn but she was overwhelmed by her friends and neighbors’ loving support. Riana Henderson, a family friend, was taking care of the family for a few days until they got other accommodation. Girls High School donated funds for Christalee to attend the national drum majorette competition in a few months, Paws took care of the family’s dogs for two nights and Mooirivier Beskerming provided a guard to look after their possessions. Neighbors also donated clothes and shoes. The Visagie and Van der Merwe family want to thank everybody for their support during their stressful time.

Read the full story in the Herald of 2 May.

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