
On My Playlist: Top 5 Manafest songs

Manafest is one of the best rap/rock artists on the scene with his catchy, honest music lighting a fuse of positivity in a dark world. This Canadian Christian rap/rock artist has won a Juno and a Dove award, among others, for his contribution to the genre. With a discography comprising nine albums, this well-versed musician …

Manafest is one of the best rap/rock artists on the scene with his catchy, honest music lighting a fuse of positivity in a dark world. This Canadian Christian rap/rock artist has won a Juno and a Dove award, among others, for his contribution to the genre. With a discography comprising nine albums, this well-versed musician sure knows how to put on his A-game.
Honourable Mentions: ‘Stones’, ‘4-3-2-1’ and ‘Impossible’.
5. Human
The countdown starts off with one of the most eye-opening songs from Manafest. It looks at how everyone has their frail, desperate moments, no matter who they are.
It has a great vibe and feel to it from start to finish with Manafest putting in some great rhymes to the backdrop of a solid drum groove.
The track looks at struggles and how past failures should not define you. ‘Got any grace for my failure. I’m still fighting for the future because I don’t want to lose you.’
The resounding chorus is also one of the best aspects of this number and it strikes a chord from the first note.
‘I know I cannot erase every mistake that I’ve made. I never said I was an angel, I never said I wouldn’t break down. Life keeps on moving, you should know I’m only human.’
4. Renegade
This is one of the band’s biggest hits for a reason.
The sweet, guitar-tapping riff in the intro starts this hard-rocking, fast-paced song off. The verse is aggressive and pulsating with the chorus bringing in some extra oomph with the repeating ‘I’m not a renegade, I’m not a renegade, no matter what you say, I’m not a renegade.’
The track looks at the need for God’s love in your life and how this restored relationship brings peace: ‘Amazing grace, mistakes erased come round.
I’m going to do what it takes, remain and run in the race. Saved a wretch like me you never let down. I can see the dream I’ll never let drown.’
This track is written from a standpoint of defiance and a realisation of grace.

3. Every Time You Run
This is one of the most beautiful songs from Manafest. It focuses on depression and anxiety and what happens when your life spins out of control.
It is a very poignant track with its piano-based verse that looks at how negative life experiences and running away from life can put you in a bad space mentally: ‘It kinda scares me, I don’t know I am out of control, always waking up still in my clothes. I wrote a note that said goodbye to pain, goodbye to shame. But couldn’t find a way, I just cry for days. I’m so depressed, soaked in wet, I can’t rest.’
These feelings are then juxtaposed in the positive chorus with the soothing voice of Trevor McNevan of Thousand Foot Krutch joining in: ‘Every time you run, every time you hide
Every time it hurts, every time you cry. Every time you run away, every time you hide your face
And it feels so far away, I’m right here, with you.’
The third verse looks at how the narrative changes with Manafest getting a more positive outlook on life: ‘Like an angel on my shoulder, you hold the Joy of the Lord raising up a soldier.’ The lyrical themes and progression in this song are some of the reasons why this track is held in such high regard.

2. Fighter
‘Fighter’ is one of those tracks that looks directly at our human nature to keep on fighting on, no matter what our circumstances are.
The song starts off with an upbeat rap from Manafest, combined with some distorted guitars for some extra punch.
The verse looks at the importance of knowing to stand up even when falling down: ‘Down and out I start to doubt I hit the ground I’m bruised, but I won’t break,’ he sings.
This is the epitome of Manafest’s life philosophy as he sprinkles his rhymes with dashes of positivity while keeping it real and relatable. ‘Stand and fight. Gotta get up. Crossed the line
Can’t give up. Won’t run away, from my enemy. Too far to quit gotta man up
Now’s the time. Gotta stand up.’

1. Pushover
This is my favourite song from Manfest, mainly because of the empowering lyrics, the guitar intro and the main guitar throughout.
The repetitive chorus also works brilliantly to emphasise the standpoint about never giving up. ‘You don’t know me, no you don’t know me, no I’m not a pushover. I’m not a pushover.’
This track is a symbol of standing up for what is right and following your dreams, no matter what obstacles lie ahead.


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