
Is something wrong with the sidewalks?

Is there something wrong with Potchefstroom’s sidewalks? Or should the traffic police step in to start lecturing the city’s people on pedestrian safety?

Is there something wrong with Potchefstroom’s sidewalks? Or should the traffic police step in to start lecturing the city’s people on pedestrian safety?

Will the Herald please consider covering the topic of dozens and dozens of people who are walking in the city streets, beside the pavements instead of making use of it. I have noticed this trend for a while now. A lot of people, going to and from work, are walking next to the pavements in the roads during peak traffic times. They are often in groups, conversing and not taking notice of the traffic around them. It makes it very difficult for drivers, as they have to swerve out of the way and sometimes right into the face of oncoming vehicles.

Another observation I’ve made, is the ignorance of people when they cross streets, especially stop streets and traffic lights. Recently I very nearly hit two men who were crossing a street, not looking whether it was safe to do so or not, and as the sun blinded me at that corner, I did not see them. In respect of stop streets, people simply cross it without a second glance and expect drivers to wait for them. I’m not sure if they are under the wrong impression that “walking people” have lee way over vehicles and that the latter should at all times and cost try to avoid hitting them.
Aren’t roads designed for vehicle drivers and pavements for pedestrians?

Who’s fault is it then when a person or persons get injured or killed because they were walking beside a pavement or crossing a street, not conceding to vehicles?

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