Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent infection

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent infection


Although the seasonal flu vaccine will not protect against Covid-19, it will play an important role during the pandemic, says Lisa Giltrow, senior pharmacist at Medirite. “The flu vaccine won’t make you more resilient to Covid-19. It may make the diagnosis of a Covid-19 infection easier, however,” she says. “As the typical viral infection symptoms are largely similar in both the flu and a coronavirus infection, presentation of these symptoms could mask a Covid-19 infection and result in a missed diagnosis.” “By having the flu vaccine and thus reducing the risk of contracting flu, it could rule out flu as a pos- sible diagnosis and the person being tested for Covid-19 rather than writing it off as a ‘case of the flu’,” explains Giltrow. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent infection and severe outcomes caused by influenza viruses, advises Giltrow. The flu vaccine reduces the number of flu-related doctor’s visits and hospitalisations each year. “Vaccination is vital for people at higher risk of serious influenza complications and those who live with or care for high-risk individuals. The flu vaccine also protects both mother and child when administered during pregnancy – passive protection of the infant occurs from birth to less than six months of age following vaccination of pregnant women,” says Giltrow.


Although anyone can obtain the vaccine, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has specifically recommended seasonal influenza vaccinations for health workers, older adults, pregnant women, indivi-duals with specific chronic medical conditions and children aged 6–59 months. Those who have previously had flu vaccinations should also return for their shots this year, as the new vaccines contain protection against the latest strains detected for the 2021 season, says Giltrow. The vaccine is highly effec- tive and, although no vaccine can offer 100 per cent protec- tion, it can reduce the severity of illness in people who may still contract it. “The flu vaccine stimulates your body’s natural defence system to produce antibodies. This occurs within two to three weeks after vaccination.” “These antibodies neutralise the flu viruses when the body is later exposed to them,” she says.


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