
Circumcision: What you need to know

The scheduled day for MMC at Parys District Hospital is every Wednesday.

What is MMC:
Male Medical circumcision is the complete surgical removal of the foreskin for both adult male and children.
Benefits of MMC:
* Reduce risk of urinary tract infections in males.
* Reduce the risk of Ulcerative STI’s in adults
* Protection against prostate and penile cancer
* Reduce risk of cervical cancer in female partners
* Prevention of balanitis, posthitis phimosis and paraphimosis
* It lowers the risk of HIV infection in males by 60%
Procedure schedule:
Scheduled day for MMC at Parys District Hospital is every Wednesday. The procedure is done by well-equipped and trained health care providers.
The team consist of clinical associates, a professional nurse and enrolled nursing assistant.
What you need to know:
Consent for the procedure need to be signed for children 11 years and above. A parent/legal guardian/grandparent/elder brother or sister who is above the age of 18 years, may sign the consent form for clients who are under the age of 18 years.
All clients above the age of 18 will be requested to sign an informed consent before procedure can be done.
Criteria for booking:
Clients can be booked directly in the operating room.
Birth certificate or identity document, residential address, contact details of the client and of the next of kin are needed to open a file on the day of the procedure.
The client will be screened before the procedure which will be done on the day of the procedure at the hospital in the operating room at 07:00.
Wound Care:
Post-operative wound care is stressed and the patient is followed up within 48 hours in OPD in order to minimize the post-op complication.
Information pamphlets are also given to clients to enable them to continue with informed wound care at home.
For more info please contact the Operational Manager Operating Theatre on 056 816 2128 during office hours (07:00-16:00).

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