Fight against Nyaope in Tumahole

Ngwathe Mayor Joey Mochela has embarked on a community and government stakeholders mobilization program of action against substance abuse in Tumahole. Substance abuse is a growing problem in Parys, Schonkenville and Tumahole causing great concern.

Ngwathe Mayor Joey Mochela has embarked on a community and government stakeholders mobilization program of action against substance abuse in Tumahole. Substance abuse is a growing problem in Parys, Schonkenville and Tumahole causing great concern.
The Mayor emphasized that it started with the community of Tumahole taking the matter into their own hands after a number of complaints were brought forth. The South African Police Services also recorded crimes related to alleged nyaope or substance abuse. “After engagement with the CPF and SAPS, Ngwathe management visited MEC Mashinini of the Police, Roads and Transport Department, and involved MEC Mahasa of Social Development, Community and Government structures.”
Mochela said they also involved the Health Department, community stakeholders such as Igopoleng Development Centre, VVA Parys, Epilepsy SA, Tumahole Self Help, Victim Support group, Religious Fraternity and Lentswe Community Radio. These structures rolled out various mobilization and awareness programs to ensure broader community involvement to fight substance abuse.
Correctional services are monitoring that former convicts do not become part of nyaope abuse with the SAPS ensuring that crime is being tackled while dealing with the root cause. Mochela asked Councillors to provide leadership in the community and encouraged parents to inform Councillors of
any challenge they face particularly when their children are involved in substance abuse.
She said that under the leadership of MEC Mahasa, Social Development has managed to secure space at various treatment centres across the country to ensure that at least 39 clients receive rehabilitation assistance. Through these partnerships,  a youth exhibition was held in Tumahole, Vredefort and Heilbron, where different government departments including SANDF showcased how they can assist the youth with opportunities including recruitment” said Mayor Mochela
Mochela said the youth are already supporting the program with sports against crime so as to ensure that young people utilize recreational facilities. Here schools can play a prominent role. This fight against substance abuse has also brought on board former convicts who are telling their stories while motivating the youth against crime and transforming societies. These programs shall be rolled out to other towns making up Ngwathe Local Municipality” said Steve Naale, Spokesperson for Ngwathe.

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