
Proudly Parys at Cape Gate Vaal Marathon

Proudly Parys at Cape Gate Vaal Marathon

On 1 March, more than 4000 athletes gathered at the Dick Fourie Stadium in Vereeniging to compete in the Cape Gate Vaal Marathon presented by Vaal AC.
Parys athletes, 15 of whom were athletes from Parys Multisport, took off at 06:00 to complete the 10 km, 21,1 km and 42,2 km race distances. The results were as follows:
42,2 km: Lauwrence Mohale was rewarded with a silver medal for his time of 03:10. Johan De Klerk completed the same distance in 03:44, followed shortly afterwards by Abram Khoali with a time of 03:45.

Behind are Ferdi van der Westhuizen and Pierre Fourie, who completed the 21,1 km.
Photos provided.

21.1 km: The half-marathon saw most of Parys Multisport’s athletes competing, with a first-ever half-marathon for Elise Duvenhage and John Lempe. Lorette Pretorius ran with Anina De Villiers and completed the distance in 01:59. Krysta Heathcote finished in a time of 02:01, followed by Rocco Pretorius in 02:03. Ferdi van der Westhuizen completed his race in a time of 02:16, followed by Elise Duvenhage (02:18), Pierre Fourie (02:18), John Lempe (02:18), and Belinda Stroh (02:35).

Lauwrence Mohale (42,2 km), Abraham Khoali (42,2 km) Mamokete Sekete (supporter) and John Lempe (21,1 km).

10 km: Franzelle Zabielski completed the 10 km race distance in a time of 01:04, nearly 11 minutes faster than her previous attempt at the Sasol Marathon on 1 February. Parys Multisport congratulates all the athletes on their achievements and their participation in this event.

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