
A positive mind much greater than the sorrows of negativity

A positive mind much greater than the sorrows of negativity

I see so many negative posts on the lockdown and violations thereof. Why not share something positive? Be very aware of being confined to the home and relying on social media… Negativity cloud! Facebook posts are not official news.
I have to go to work during this time…(as per Ramaphosa’s speech that furnaces are exempted and go to maintenance and care).
I drive 58.3km to and from work. What I saw:
Had 6 roadblocks in 2 days. All the SANDF and SAPS personnel were friendly but firm. They treated me well. I travel alone and I did not feel threatened.
I drove by settlements, farms, towns and plots. I saw a father and his son playing in their garden.
I saw a lady and her husband sharing a laugh while working in the garden.
I saw police vehicles on the streets.
I did not see anyone outside their yards for the entire drive.
The power of a positive mind is much greater than the sorrows of negativity.
SA lockdown. Positive thinkers!

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