
BESSIEGEREGTE ….. eksotiese lekkernye

Wanneer bessies gekoop word, moet hulle reguit in die yskas geplaas word en daaruit voorgesit word.


Wanneer bessies gekoop word, moet hulle reguit in die yskas geplaas word en daaruit voorgesit word.   Frambose en aarbeie word baie gou oorsag en moet liewers uit die winkelbakkie verwyder word en in ‘n plat bak in ‘n enkellaag geplaas word.   Verwyder enige gekneusde of slegte vrugte.   Moenie die vrugte kook as dit verhelp kan word nie en geniet liewer die vars smaak daarvan.  As jy dit wel gaan kook, probeer dit so vêr moontlik te rek met byvoorbeeld gekookte appelpuree, omdat bessies nie goedkoop is nie.   Dit vermeng heerlik met frambose, aarbeie, loganbessies en brame, sonder om afbreuk aan die smaak te doen.


Blueberry salad

Slice 2 hotdog rolls into small rounds.   Thinly butter the rounds and top with sliced Pecorino (or other) cheese.   Place on a baking sheet and grill at 200° C until cheese is melted and golden;  leave to cool.   Break washed mixed lettuce leaves into bite-sized pieces and arrange on a serving plate with orange segments and blueberries.   Place croûtons on top and garnish with chopped walnuts.   Serve with your favourite salad dressing.


Apple  and  blueberry  fritters 

Cut out and keep in a safe place for a special occasion ….

FILLING:   Combine 40 ml water, 15 ml sugar, 1 ml ground cloves, 2 ml cinnamon and heat until sugar has completely dissolved.   Add 1 x 410 g can pie apples and 5 ml lemon juice;  cover and cook until apples are tender.   Remove the lid and let the moisture evaporate.   Remove from heat and add 70 g fresh blueberries;  allow to cool.

BLUEBERRY  CREAM:  Blend together 80 g blueberries and 5 ml sugar.   Stir into 100 g thick cream and chill.

FRITTERS:   Layer 3 sheets of phyllo, brushing each sheet with melted butter.   Repeat with 3 more sheets of phyllo.   Cut out 18  10-cm circles.   Place a spoonful of filling in the centre of each piece of phyllo.   Brush the one half of the edge of each circle with egg yolk and water, fold in half, pressing the edges firmly closed so that they are unable to open while frying.   Refrigerate for 30 minutes.   Fry 3 or 4 fritters, at a time, in heated oil until crisp.   Drain on kitchen paper and serve with blueberry cream and fresh berries.


Soft-baked meringues with berries 

MERINGUES:  Preheat oven to 180° C.   Melt 30 ml butter and paint the insides of 8 ramekins.  Set aside.   Whisk 10 egg-whites until firm.   Add 160 ml castor sugar, a  LITTLE  at a time, while beating continuously, until mixture is firm, glossy and thick.   Fold in pulp of 4 granadillas (or a small can of granadilla pulp) and spoon into ramekins.  Place in deep roasting pan, pour enough boiling water into pan to come half-way up the sides of the ramekins.    Bake 10 – 15 minutes or until moulds are firm when pan is shaken.   Turn out onto individual deep plates, pour some strawberry jam mixed with a little red wine around the sides of the moulds and pile berries on top.   Dust with sifted icing sugar and serve at once.


Vonkelwyn-jellie  met  bessies 

Gooi 750 ml vonkelwyn in ‘n groot kastrol en voeg 400 ml suiker by.   Bring tot kookpunt  en voeg 125 g vars kersies (stingels verwyder) by;  prut vir 5 minute en gooi in ‘n groot mengbak.   Voeg by 67,5 ml gelatien opgelos in 125 ml warm water.   Laat afkoel maar nie stol nie.   Wanneer afgekoel, voeg by 600 g gemengde bessies, appelliefies, aarbeie (gesny), frambose, ens.   Bêre ‘n paar bessies vir versiering.   Roer mengsel met ‘n hout lepel.   Bespuit ‘n groot nageregvorm en skep van die vloeistof 3 cm diep;  skep van die vrugte in en laat stol.   Herhaal die laaste stap tot al die vloeistof en vrugte opgebruik is.   Laat stol oornag.

OM  OP  TE  DIEN:   Ontvorm en garneer met ekstra bessies.

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