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Paper crisis at FS Licence and Testing Stations attended to

She said distribution started Thursday 27 June. 

The special paper needed for printing of licences, has been distributed to testing and licence stations in all districts of the Free State Province, Hillary Mophethe, spokesperson of the Free State Department of Police, Roads and Transport confirmed on Friday.

She said distribution started Thursday 27 June.

Mophethe added that the shortage of paper experienced for more than a week all over the province was caused by a problem at the printer.

Parys Licence and Testing Station  will as from Monday , the 1st of July  be able to process vehicle licence disc renewal transactions, drivers licence renewals, PDP applications and renewals, registrations and deregistrations.

However  no learners and drivers licence testing can  be done at the centre. During the paper crisis the office could only do driver’ licecence renewals.

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