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Ngwathe management engages stakeholders on infrastructure

The Acting Municipal Manager has emphasised that a series of stakeholders' meetings is aimed at improving relations while responding to community concerns in good faith.

Residents’ concern about damage to water distribution pipes, electrical cables, and roads were discussed during a recent meeting between the Acting Municipal Manager of Ngwathe Local Municipality, Dr Futhuli Mothamaha, and Ngwathe’s senior management team with stakeholders currently implementing wayleave projects in Parys.

These concerns have painted a picture of the municipality being unable to provide basic services on a sustainable basis as outlined in the constitutional responsibilities of local government, the municipality said. The municipal management team and parties involved in the project have agreed on a number of issues, including that damage to electrical cables, water distribution pipes, furrows, pavements, and other infrastructure should be repaired immediately. A register of incidents and subsequent repairs must also be kept, was said.

The Acting Municipal Manager has emphasised that a series of stakeholders’ meetings is aimed at improving relations while responding to community concerns in good faith.

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