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Rand Water completes maintenance 9 hours ahead of schedule

Rand Water will provide updates throughout the maintenance period

Rand Water has successfully completed the maintenance of the F5 Pipeline in Mogale City Local
Municipality (MCLM), which began on Saturday, June 22. The first phase of this proactive extensive
maintenance project was completed nine hours ahead of schedule, Makenosi Maroo, spokesperson for Rand Water said.

The project in MCLM had entailed connecting the F16 Pipeline to the new F5 Pipeline to new meters.
During this period, the normal pumping of water was not affected as only one meter was impacted.
The widely publicised project forms part of Rand Water’s proactive infrastructure maintenance to preserve
the integrity and quality of potable water and ensure an uninterrupted supply to its municipal customers. It
is important to note that the entire maintenance work will be implemented on different dates and will affect various municipalities, Maroo said.

The next phase of the maintenance project began today, June 24, at the Eikenhof, Zwartkopjes and
Mapleton Systems. At the Eikenhof system, the maintenance work will include cleaning of the
Sedimentation Tank at the Vereeniging Water Treatment Plant (VWTP) andinterconnecting the Waterval
1 and 2 Reservoirs in the Eikenhof System. Normal pumping will be reduced to 50% for eight (8) hours
and later increased to 67% for the remaining 64 hours.

At the Zwartkopjes System, Rand Water will replace a defective valve at the VWTP. This will result in the
reduction of pumping to 50% for 27 hours. The maintenance work at Trichardt will entail upgrading the
transformer to increase power supply capacity, there will be no impact of water supply since there are
generators at Trichardt. Maintenance work at the Palmiet System will commence on Friday, June 28, 2024.
Rand Water will continue giving details of all maintenance work that will resume on 01 July 2024.

It is crucial for the water utility to undertake this maintenance work to preserve the quality and integrity of
Rand Water’s infrastructure as this will extend the lifespan of its assets, Maroo said.

In terms of the Communication Protocol, Rand Water has formally notified its municipal customers by
issuing a 21-day notice period, which will allow them to implement appropriate contingency plans and
manage the storage capacity accordingly. Additionally, the organisation has requested municipalities to
inform their customers about the extent and impact of water supply interruptions in their respective areas.
Rand Water will provide updates throughout the maintenance period, Rand Water concluded


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