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“SA needs a miracle”

Residents of Parys, Tumahole and Schonkenville on Saturday supported a Parys Time2Rise initiative, joining in prayer at the Town Hall, on National Day of Prayer & Worship, to pray for SA and the coming elections.

This coming Saturday, 25 May, a prayer meeting will also be held at the Sion AFM Church between 08:00 and 1200 to pray for SA and the national election.

The past Friday, Dr Arno van Niekerk of Time2 Rise SA visited Parys. In his message Dr Van Niekerk , who holds a PhD in Economics, and is a Senior Lecturer at the UFS, said God has a plan for SA.

“An army of nation builders are rising when leaders have no more answers. When people feel lost. When the eonomy goes backward and when health, education and all systems fail. Then it calls for one thing: God’s people must stand up and unite. South Africa needs a miracle. We need to heal the country,” he said.

He explained that Time2Rise SA is a Holy Spirit-led movement that unites believers across South Africa to be a force for change.

The movement started in 2023 with 300 men attending a camp outside Bloemfontein. Since then the movement has grown with about 22 000 people following the movement’s Facebook page.

“If the heart changes, SA can change,” Dr. Van Niekerk said explaining the movement’s plan for SA.

He urged those who are led by the Holy Spirit to rise up in this hour and to unite and rebuild SA. “If not us, then who? If not now, then when?” he said.
The movement’s plan is to multiply by uniting as many believers as possible to join Time2Rise and spread the word, and then to link and connect. In October the movement will also have a mass gathering of Christians across SA outside Bloemfontein to strategise about SA’s Future, Dr Van Niekerk said, adding that people can register on the Time2Rise website.

He concluded saying that almost 80% of South Africans profess to be Christian- a silent majority.

Time2Rise Parys gather Sundays at 16:00 at the Parys Town Hall for a prayer circle, praying for transformation through prayer and praise.

Everyone welcome. Vredefort residents gather Sundays at 17:00 at the fountain circle.

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