
Sister Marie taking a brave leap

Members of the Rotary Clubs in Kroonstad and Parys were present when Sister Marie took her brave leap, as Rotary in Kroonstad will be assisting in creating a vegetable garden to support the school feeding activities.

The 83-year-old Sister Marie Therese McLoughlin recently took on the brave challenge of skydiving for the first time, raising
money to create sustainability and school feeding funds for the Notre Dame St Peter’s School in Kroonstad.

Sister Marie asked people to donate in recognition of her brave act to help raise the much-needed funds.

On Saturday, 13 May, the adventurous nun was at the Parys Airfield, excited though nervous, accompanied by her proud supporters and family.

Sister Marie and Thatch after the tandem skydive landing. Photo: Chris Moller, Skydive Parys.

She has had a connection with the school since 1952 and said the school is close to her heart. She joined the Sisters of Notre Dame Institute in 1959.

After school, she studied to be a music and primary school teacher. Later, she qualified as a high school teacher and psychiatric social worker at the University of Cape Town. Returning to NDSPS, she served as chaplain and counsellor.

The school now has close to 600 learners from Gr. R to Gr. 12.

Members of the Rotary Clubs in Kroonstad and Parys were present when Sister Marie took her brave leap, as Rotary in Kroonstad will be assisting in creating a vegetable garden to support the school feeding activities.

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