
Rise ’n Shine Community Foundation unites Xhosas

The Rise ‘n Shine Community Foundation’s office number is 065 702 5162.

On 1 October, the Rise ‘n Shine Community Foundation held a Xhosa tradi- tional event known as IBuyambo.
This event is a way of bringing Xhosas together and reminding them of their history and origin, says the organisers
Among the guests were Ngwathe Executive Mayor, Cllr Victoria De Beer, and Archbishop Wiso and lady Arch Wiso.
Mayor De Beer thanked the Foundation for the initiative, wrapping up Heritage Month celebrated in September.


Archbishop Wiso and Lady Arch Wiso explained the history of the Xhosa nation in detail and shared information about Xhosa customs and rituals.
The Foundation committed itself to making this an annual event, not catering for one tribe only.
This year, the Foundation catered for Sesothos with Pitiki and the Xhosas with IBuyambo.
The Rise ‘n Shine Community Foundation’s office number is 065 702 5162.

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