
School’s former learners get together

The Sotsaka family was overwhelmed with gratitude at such a wonderful gesture.

Mr and Mrs Sotsaka’s 1980 students at Gatelapele Secondary School in Wolmaransstad came to say “thank you”.
On 2 September, about 40 former students of the Sotsaka family paid them a visit at Plot 12, Pistoriusrus, Parys, to thank them for being good teachers and role models.

They maintained that they got a good education and discipline under their leadership; that is why they are in different professions and in high positions in their occupations.

They said their visit to Parys was to show appreciation for a job well done. Many wanted to know the magic formula this couple used to run the school successfully, having also played the role of parents.
Mrs Sotsaka said the students were malleable. They were easy to work with, cooperative, intelligent, and willing to learn. Their parents were also supportive.

Students shared fond memories of their stay at Gatelapele, saying those memories were of tours, sports, classroom antics, concerts and various activities.The atmosphere was alive with excitement, emotions, appreciation and amazement at such a union taking place at the home of their former principal after 43 years.

The Sotsaka family was overwhelmed with gratitude at such a wonderful gesture.

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