
“Youth could contribute to new knowledge and innovations to drive the agriculture sector forward”

We must encourage the youth to participate in agriculture as a livelihood to better the economy of our municipality,” says Mpho

“The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me.”
And that is exactly what Mpho Nthoesane has proved since becoming one of Barnard Molokoane Secondary School’s top achievers in 2015.
She was motivated, determined and dedicated to making her mom, Selina, and the community proud of her, and she certainly did.
With distinctions in English First Additional Language, Sotho Home Language, Life Orientation, Geography and Life Sciences, she started her studies at the Univer-sity of the Free State, where she obtained her undergraduate- and honours degrees.
She is currently enrolled for a Master’s in Sustainable Agriculture at the University of the Free State. Her research area of focus is Youth involvement in Sustainable Agricultural Production systems within the Ngwathe Municipality, specifically in Tumahole, Mokwallo and Kwakwatsi.
“In choosing my master’s topic, the challenges facing our community motivated me; high crime and unemployment rates among the youth, to name a few. I wanted to use my university knowledge to educate the youth and get them involved in agricultural activities. We must encourage the youth to participate in agriculture as a livelihood to better the economy of our municipality,” says Mpho. “The youth could contribute to new knowledge and innovations to drive the agriculture sector forward.”
Youth in the towns mentioned above, interested in this study and willing to take part can WhatsApp her on 065 851 5488 for the online version of the questionnaire. Alternatively, find her at Ngwathe Local Municipality Office No. 6, LED and Agriculture Division.

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