
Start the journey of learning

Start the journey of learning


It is never too late to start your learning journey. Colleges of education and training (CETs) are ideally suited for the youth and adults who have never been to school, those with some primary or secondary school education or those without a matric or equivalent qualification.

The Bahlodi-Banqobi Adult Centre at Phehellang Secondary School in Tuma-hole is open to all students 18 years and older. Students pay no school fees and prospective students can enrol now. The centre offers adult education and training (AET level 1–3), general edu- cation and training (AET level 4), senior certificate (Gr. 12) and a skills programme (gardening).

Students wanting to register should ask for the Adult Centre office at the Phehellang Secondary School’s gate. For more information, contact Mr Makhanana on 083 679 6867, Ms Nteo on 081 407 1734 or Mr Ubane on 073 120 0674.  



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