
Soccer Legends ready to play

Soccer Legends ready to play

On Friday 17th December 2021 the Tumahole Soccer Legends held their year end function at Vuka Location. “The function does not necessarily mean that we have stopped playing games. There is a possibility that we might play one or two games before the end of the year.”
Despite Covid-19 challenges and minor injuries they managed to play on average two games a month the past year.
The team management wants to thank all the teams that they played against locally and in neighbouring towns the past year. They also thank the former executive major of the Ngwathe manucipality, Ms Joey Mochela for donating the team’s socks, as well as soccer jersey sponsors, Ms Belina Nkheloane and Mr N. J. N. Maine. Mr Maine also donated soccer balls and cones.
The Tumahole Soccer Legends not only focuss on playing soccer but also look after the emotional, social and physical fitness of the players. Their team consists of pastors teachers and pensioners.
They wish all a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. “We want to appeal to all tournaments organizers to consider our team and feature us as curtain raisers.”

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