
Access to COVID-19 Digital  Vaccination Certificates

Access to COVID-19 Digital  Vaccination Certificates

 The Department of Health has been inundated with public  enquiries about challenges they face when trying to download and access COVID-19 digital vaccination certificates.
The department is currently at the testing phase of the system to troubleshoot all possible glitches ahead of the official launch later this week.
Thus, the system is not yet officially functional in a live environment which will enable vaccinated individuals to access and download certificates.
A lot of security had to be build into the system to protect individuals` personal data as much as possible.
The development and release of fully-fledged COVID-19 vaccination certificates will be phased-in over time.
Thus, the public is requested to exercise patience while the department implement the final refinement as they prepare to officially launch the first version of the COVID-19 vaccination digital certificate.
However, the department is aware that a few lucky individuals managed to access the system and download their vaccination certificates.

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