
Consultation on new budget starting

Consultation on new budget starting



Virtual meetings for ‘identified interest groups and registered stakeholders’ for the next financial year of the IDP/Budget process in Ngwathe, started on Monday (8 February). The e-meetings are to assist consultation since physical meetings are impossible under Covid-19 regulations.

By law, all municipalities have to consult widely during the budgetary process. DA councillors could obtain no details of such virtual meetings by the time the Gazette went to press.

However, written submissions on the IDP may already be sent to dedicated email addresses –, and on the budget to Alternatively, they may be delivered by hand to the executive mayor (for IDP submissions) or M. Mofokeng (for budget submissions), at the Ngwathe Local Municipality’s offices, Liebenbergstrek, Parys. “DA councillors will again submit detailed suggestions, and residents are welcome to send their ideas to us,” says the DA finance spokesperson, Arnold Schoonwinkel.    

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