
Parys Jerusalema dance challenge

Please take note of these arrangements


Due to the weather there will be no Jerusalema Dance challenge practise this afternoon, Tuesday 1 September. Please take note that tomorrow, Wednesday 2 September, a double practise session is planned, as well as a final practise on Thursday afternoon at 17:00 between the Parys Library and Fire Department in Philip Street.

The “Jerusalema” dance challenge has taken social media by storm and now Parysenaars will  take part on Saturday 5 September at 12:00 in front of the Parys Info office in Water street. If you can not make it for the practises or the actual challenge on Saturday, why not play the song Saturday at 12:00 at your business, or share a video of your personnel doing the challenge on the Facebook group, Parys Jerusalema Dance. You will also find videos of the dance on the Facebook group for those who miss the practise. Everybody no matter if you can or can’t dance, whether you’re old or young, what language you speak….all are welcome.

Why the Parys Jerusalema challenge?

To praise and thank the Lord

What is the Jerusalema challenge?

All over South Africa and the rest of the world people are sharing videos of themselves dancing to the hit song Jerusalema by South African musician Master KG, featuring the voice of South African songstress Nomcebo. It all started with a group of friends who recorded a video of the dance choreography. Since December it has become an instant hit across SA Jerusalema is a Zulu gospel praise song.

Here is an English translation of the chorus. 

Jerusalem is my home Save me You’ve gone with me Don’t leave me here Jerusalem is my home Save me You’ve gone with me Don’t leave me here My place is not here My kingdom is not here Save me Go with me  

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