
Brave little girl on the way to recovery

Brave little girl on the way to recovery

Things are starting to look much brighter for the little girl from Carletonville who lost her eye in a freak accident just over three months ago.

Three-year-old Zanika Morton’s life changed forever when she tripped over her toy bag and fell with her head against the side of her parents’ bed on Wednesday, 25 March. After visits to various specialists and two operations, it was determined that Zanika had permanently lost the sight in her eye. A third operation was done last month to save her damaged eyeball.

This had to be done as her face had started to become misshapen around her shrinking eyeball. During this successful operation doctors removed a small section of Zanika’s own eye. They then re- moved a piece of fat from the little girl’s own buttocks near her hip and planted it over her eye to restore its normal shape.

According to Zanika’s mother, Anika, she fitted her first prosthesis on Monday. As it was the first fitting, the colour and shape were still not entirely correct.

These problems will be sorted out when she receives her final prosthesis this Friday, however.

She previously explained that the prosthesis was just a cover fitted over her damaged eyeball to make it look like her other eye.

Anyone who wishes to contribute towards the family’s medical expenses, can deposit into the account named *Zanika Morton*, Capitec Bank, Ac Num: 1713127251, Branch Code: 470010.


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