
No visitors allowed at Potchefstroom Hospital

No visitors allowed at Potchefstroom Hospital

The Potchefstroom Hospital announced today (3 August) that from 4 August no visitors will be allowed at the hospital.

According to a statement by the hospital, this is due to the high number of COVID-19 positive cases in the community and the province at large.

“All visits for patients admitted in general wards are prohibited. Family members will be informed four hours before a patient is discharged. Hospitals cannot become breeding grounds for further spread of the virus. There will be health personnel allocated for every ward to answer your call placed via our main switchboard, Admissions Department, or Security office to the ward where your loved one is admitted,” said Modiri Mompati, spokesperson of the hospital, in a statement.

The hospital noted the following exceptions:

All emergencies, all booked out patients and referrals, including very ill patients must come to the hospital. Patients must come for collection of their medications in accordance with the health protocol.

Only immediate family listed on the patient file will be allowed to call and enquire about clinical progress information related to the patient admitted. Otherwise, it is advisable to call the patient on his / her private cellphone.

Exceptions will be granted on medical grounds, as and when the doctor treating the patient requests a member of the family to come, or in the event where the family needs to get in touch with the patient on a serious matter.

If permission is granted, only one visitor per patient is allowed at any given time. Outpatients who need support will be allowed one escort.

“This will allow for proper management and treatment of patients. It allows patients a resting period for recovery and for their safety. The visitor-free period also allows for doctors to visit patients, and for our medical staff to conduct their duties as required. Please understand that these rules are implemented for the patient’s benefit,” said Mompati.

NB: Whilst every effort will be made to safeguard your valuables, the hospital cannot accept any responsibility for any loss incurred during your stay in the hospital.


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