
Winter feels so much warmer when you’re on the move

It will reward you in more ways than you ever imagined.

Winter is knocking at the door and we are all a little more health-conscious at the moment. Besides the health benefits of regular exercise, we also know that summer bodies are made in winter. The difficult part of running or walking, especially during the colder months, is to get up and get going.
Regular exercise, especially running or walking, has the power to change your life.

Here are a few basic tips that will get you started the right way and keep you coming back for more:

1. Commit to a schedule
It is a scientific fact that people who plan and schedule their activities are more likely to commit and succeed in what they do. Invest a few minutes in planning your week. This step can be as simple as selecting three days per week and using your cell phone to set reminders for when it is time to get up and go.

2. Prepare in advance
You are more likely to go out for a jog or a walk in the morning if you take your sportswear out of the cupboard before you go to bed at night. This will not only help you to commit mentally, but it will also remove the obstacle of trying to find everything in the dark if you are planning for an early run/walk.
3. Invest in the best gear you can afford
It is not always possible or practical to go out and buy or order the latest and greatest sportswear and equipment that money can buy. Running and walking doesn’t demand a lot of gear compared to other sports, but you will find that it is worth investing in proper footwear and dressing according to the climate. Running and walking for long distances could become problematic and more challenging than it has to be if you don’t have the correct gear.

4. Don’t get discouraged
Embrace your journey and capabilities. Take it easy if you are starting and don’t feel embarrassed if you need to alternate between walking and jogging. One of the most common mistakes and sources of discouragement is the tendency to find training programmes of elite athletes and coaches on the internet. Building a solid base of fitness takes time and you shouldn’t be comparing yourself to other athletes, or feel discouraged if you don’t perform at your best right from the start. Just be patient and endure until you enjoy.

5. Make rest a part of your training
The quickest and most sure way to run yourself into the doctor’s office is to exercise seven days a week, all year round. If you want to enjoy a fit and healthy lifestyle, it is important to incorporate rest into your exercise programme. For a new or social runner/walker, exercise should be limited to between three and five sessions per week (20–30 minutes per session) to begin with. As your body adapts to the exercise and your fitness improves, you may increase your distance and speed, but always try to set at least one day per week aside for rest.
Every time an athlete runs past your house, or you see a crowd of parkrunners or myrunners gather for an early morning run, or when you see thousands of people participating in a race, remind yourself that they all started with a first step.

Things don’t always go according to plan, but we keep going, we never give up and we finish what we start. A perfect example would be the good sportsmanship shown by athletes across South Africa who, despite receiving the disappointing news of the 2020 Comrades being cancelled, remain focused on staying fit, healthy, and ready for the next opportunity to run again.
Even with all the emotions and controversy surrounding something as significant as the cancellation of the 2020 Comrades Marathon, there is no doubt that athletes will be back for the next staging of this prestigious event. The success of this type of event is founded on comradery and the human spirit that will not be broken.
Sport can unite us, inspire us and challenge us to conquer what appears to be humanly impossible.

Finally, remember that health and fitness are a journey and lifestyle. It is common to hear athletes referring to their “running family”, and you, too, can be part of this.
Start jogging or walking today, look out for the re-opening of parkrun and myrun events when lockdown regulations are lifted, or join a running club, like Parys Multisport, to fully embrace the health benefits and comradery of this lovely activity. It will reward you in more ways than you ever imagined.

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