
Well done to our 2019 matriculants

Well done to our 2019 matriculants

Phehellang Secondary School’s 99 matriculants achieved a 97 per cent pass rate and earned four A symbols for the school, according to Mr Stephen Mochela, the school principal. The top achiever was Nyoni Katleho with A’s in Physical Sciences and Life Sciences.

Yakhisizwe Secondary School’s top matriculant with no fewer than 4 A’s is Kelebogile Malebo. Her distinctions were for History, Economy, Sesotho Home Language and Maths Literacy.
She will study LLB at Pukke.

The school’s 69 matriculants achieved a pass rate of 87% and a total of 14 A’s.

Boipihlelo Secondary School in Mokwallo, Vredefort, had 97 matriculants and a pass rate of 92.4 per cent.


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