
Lend a helping hand for the Zimbabwean N1 bus fire victims

Lend a helping hand for the Zimbabwean N1 bus fire victims

“There were 46 passengers who were travelling back home to Zimbabwe to visit their families,” said two of the organisers of the collection, Greg and Liesl Milne, in a message to Fourways residents.

“Many of these passengers only go home once a year, and some only every few years, after working and saving up to provide much needed clothes, food, toys, money and school stationery to their families in Zimbabwe.”

The fire occurred on December 11 on the N1 near the William Nicol off-ramp in Johannesburg. No one was injured – but the passengers, mostly women and children, lost all their possessions. They later chose to continue travelling back to their homes in Zimbabwe.

The fire was allegedly sparked after a tyre burst.

The Milnes said that the campaign for these fire victims was being supported by the Kingfisher and Fourways Gardens Spars.

Members of the public were invited to drop off goods at these venues.

Buses travelling to Zimbabwe would then fetch these donations and drop them off for the passengers at home. Stationery, clothes, non-perishable food items and toys would all be appreciated.

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