
Merry Christmas from RT Parys 88!

It has been a busy year for the Table, but this project was most certainly a highlight, and was a great reminder of how a small effort can yield amazing results.


On Saturday 14 December, Round Table Parys 88 handed out over 150 gifts to at-risk children, the elderly and the disabled as part of their annual Christmas drive. Drop-offs were made at the Vrystaat Versorging in Aksie’s (VVA) houses of safety in Tumahole and Vredefort, where 9 children received gifts.

Almost 50 goodie bags were also handed out at Epilepsy SA in Parys, where the Tablers had an amazing opportunity to spend time with the grateful and excited housemates.

Finally, over 90 personalised gifts were delivered to the most needy at the old age homes of Sonskyn, Scion, AMOT, Serendipity and Najaarsrus in support of the Silver Hair Project.

It has been a busy year for the Table, but this project was most certainly a highlight, and was a great reminder of how a small effort can yield amazing results. Special thanks to Zarlene Hugo and Vaal Toyota Sasolburg, Isle Supra for donating 30 personalised gifts, Karike Pelser for decorating the Christmas packs, and Hanu and Charlene van Niekerk for their donations. Thanks to all the Parys 88 Tablers and their partners for their committed effort to make a difference in the community of Parys.

From our Table to yours, may you have a safe and blessed festive season.

If you would like to learn more about Round Table in Parys and how to get involved, please send an email to

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