
Water meters stolen in Fochville

A new crime has recently started rearing its ugly head in Fochville.

“The resident called me at 06:00; nothing is crime-proof nowadays. I contacted Merafong and they said they could stop the water, but were not sure when the municipality would be able to put in a new meter as it depends on whether or not the parts were available,” she says.
On the morning of 20 November, residents of Munt Street, Mrs Evonne de Beer and her husband, Kobus, also found that their water meter had been stolen during the night.
“So much water was wasted before the municipality came to fix it,” they complained.
The De Beers told the Herald they had suddenly heard of several other families that had had their water meters stolen. “We have heard that a scrap metal dealer in Kokosi buys them,” they complain.
The police confirmed that water meter theft has suddenly become a big problem.
By last Friday, water meters had been stolen in Du Preez, Munt, Siebert, Kort, Potchefstroom and Danie Theron streets.
The Herald asked the Merafong City Local Municipality on Tuesday whether they could take steps like supplying plastic water meters to curb the problem.
“The municipality is, indeed, replacing brass meters with plastic meters. However, it is not possible to replace everything at once.
“The replacement is done as and when required. The Water Section has started a meter audit to determine the number of brass meters so it can initiate a plan to replace them. During office hours, the community can contact the call and contact centre on 018 788 9990 or, alternatively, the community is urged to report to the water depots and paypoint areas. The after-hours number to contact is 011 010 1500. Consumers are urged to submit the SAPS affidavits for stolen water meters and are also requested to call the police if they suspect any fraudulent activities,” a municipal spokesperson says.

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