
Diesel thieves target school

Diesel thieves target school

During the early hours of Wednesay (27 November)  four suspects broke into a local primary school in Vanderbijlpark –  their aim was to steal diesel from the schools genenerator.

But their plan was foiled thanks to Fidelity ADT Reaction Officers Lefu Ralejoe and Moeketsi Ramohlokoane. They resonded to the call of the ADT control room and investigated.

They arrived at the school around 01:3 and started their inspection of the premises.  “They found the suspects who scattered as soon as they saw the officers. Fortunately, the officers managed to catch one of the suspects who was draining diesel from the school generator and had already loaded 600 liters of fuel onto a low bed truck,” says Elizna Schulz Branch Manager Fidelity ADT

The suspects gained access to the school premises by breaking through a palisade fence and cut the padlocks to the generator storeroom.

“The suspect was handed over to the Sebokeng SAPS and the truck was confiscated. Luckilly the suspects didn’t get away with any diesel. We congratulate Officers Ralejoe and Ramohlokoane on this arrest,” Schulz concludes.

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