
Scrap metal dealer found with stolen goods

Scrap metal dealer found with stolen goods

 According to the communi-cation officer of the police in Carletonville, WO Peter Masooa, the police visited Thanda Scrapyard in Station Street as part of routine work at around midday on 4 September. They searched the premises and found property they suspected was stolen in the yard.

The owner could not give an account of how it came into his possession. The suspect was arrested at the scene.
Just half an hour later, the po- lice made another arrest for the same crime in Blyvooruitzicht.
They received information that there were stolen cables in a yard in Southdene Street and went there to investigate.
Upon their arrival, the police found stolen copper cable, which the man living on the property could not account for.
They also arrested him at the scene.

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