
Stiff sentence for farm attacker

A man who was arrested earlier this year for attacking a woman on a farm in the area re-ceived a stiff prison sentence last week.

Kgomotso Isaac Phokompe (28) appeared in the Oberholzer Regional Court on charges of robbery with aggravating circumstances and assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm, also known as assault GBH, on 1 August.
He pleaded guilty on the charges against him. The Magistrate, Mr Jan Steyn, sentenced Phokompe to 15 years imprisonment.
Phokompe had been on the run from police and a reward was offered to get him behind bars in May, following an attack on a 76-year-old woman on Farm Q10 at De Pan on 2 May.
At around 17:10, the husband told his wife that he needed to go and lock the kraal in which they keep their sheep. She reminded him to also switch off a pump near the kraal. He stepped out of the back door and walked to the kraal, which is approximately 100 metres from the house.
Although he was not gone for long, a horrific sight met him as he stepped back into the house. His wife, covered in blood, told him that just after he was out of the house, Phokompe, who is their former employee, came in and hit her over the head with an iron rod after demanding money.
He fled with R500 and her cellphone. Although many residents helped to search for him in the area, it was found that Phokompe had already been arrested in Coligny, where he had also allegedly attacked an elderly woman on a farm. It is purported that he had raped her as well. He will appear on charges related to this case on 19 August.
The investigating officer, Sgt Wynand Kruger, also determined that Phokompe is wanted on a charge of assault GBH in Randfontein. He must also still plead in this case.
If he is found guilty on these other charges, Phokompe will stay in prison, and off the streets, for much longer.

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