
Promotion article: ZAP those colds and flu this winter


Facts about Vitamin C
•You need vitamin C to produce immune system T-cells which kill bacteria and viruses.
•Your body also uses Vitamin C as a building material for connective tissues and for strong artery walls.
•Used up more rapidly under stress conditions.
•Smokers and older persons have greater need for Vitamin C
•Most animals synthesise their own Vitamin C, but man, apes, and guinea pigs must rely upon dietary sources
•Plays a primary role in the formation of collagen, which is important for the growth and repair of body tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth – Helps in the body’s absorption of iron
What can it do for you?
•Accelerate healing after surgery
•Help in decreasing blood cholesterol
•Aid in preventing many types of viral and bacterial infections
•Act as a natural laxative
•Lower incidence of blood clots in veins
•Aid in treatment and prevention of the common cold & flu
•Aid in reducing stretch marks – makes skin more elastic!
•Aid in Hayfever
•Aid in Post nasal drip
•Aid in Sinus Problems
•Extend life by enabling protein cells to hold together
•Reduce effects of many allergy-producing substances
•Prevent Scurvy
Vitamin C articles of interest:
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These articles are informational and should not be viewed as any recommendation to ingest higher vit C dosages then prescribed by any official body in the area where you reside.
Vitamin C is extremely well stored in the body. It is an essential part of all collagen (a jelly like substance that acts as the cement holding cells together, and also present in bones and cartilage).
In times of infection or stress, (as would also be the case in during infections) the body withdraws Vit C from the collagen. This, taken to an extreme, explains the phenomenon in diseases like Ebola virus infection, Avian flu and such where the flesh falls apart as Vit C is used up and collagen thus destroyed; and also the skin sensitivity that many people report when having flu.
Famous American physician, Dr Thomas Levy, uses Intravenous Vit C to combat cancer. He has a video of his lecture to the 35th Annual Cancer Conference.
A panel of which he is a member, reports results with dosages up to 300g daily with diseases in the Ebola class (the amount needed to keep pace with the collagen destruction of the disease to keep rebuilding it). Presumably lesser dosages would be required with less virulent strains of ‘flu.
Famous scientist, Dr Linus Pauling, advocated taking 10g and upward daily and attributed his longevity and health to this practice (even predicting it in earlier years).
Dr Abram Hoffer, treated schizophrenia for decades using vit C and Vit B3 with a very high success rate. He worked with Dr Pauling extensively and subscribed to Dr Pauling’s views of vit C regarding longevity and health.
Dr Hoffer died in 2009 at the age of 93.

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