
SARS and special unit close Chinese liquor stores

SARS and special unit close Chinese liquor stores

The team, including members of the police in Carletonville, swooped down on the Overland Carletonville Hyper Liquor store at Shoprite and Liquor City in Station Street on the night of Thursday, 2 May.
Besides closing down the shops and confiscating all their stock, the police also went to the home of the owners in Beatrix Street. They also arrested six people, two of whom were women.
According to the investigating officer, WO Hennie Last of the GOCU, they appeared in court on Monday.
The suspects have been charged with the evasion of “sin tax” and VAT, fraud, legislation related to the selling of fake liquor, immigration control legislation and the Medicines and Related Substances Control Act.
“The case has been postponed until 13 May,” says WO Last.
He would not divulge any further information, including why two other Chinese-owned liquor stores – the “drive-through” store in Dolomite Street and the one at Bluebell – are also closed.
By Monday afternoon, a bright orange sticker was stuck on the closed door of Liquor City in Station Street.
“The goods (inside) are being held in terms of Section 88(1)(a) and (b) of the Customs and Excise Act No. 91 of 1964 and may not be removed or otherwise dealt with, without the written authorisation of the commissioner/controller/chief revenue inspector. Any person contravening this requirement may be prosecuted in terms of Section 80(1)(o) of the Act,” the sticker warned. This legislation gives SARS the power to detain and seize goods.

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