
Eskom asks consumers to save electricity

Eskom asks consumers to save electricity

Eskom has implemented itā€™s ā€œUse electricity smartlyā€ campaign asking consumers to reduce electricity usage to minimise the risk of
During the colder months, space heating can be responsible for up to 8% of an average
householdā€™s electricity usage.
With their campaign Eskom advise consumers to:
* Use foam tape to seal windows and doors if they do not close properly – in winter,
draughts can account for up to 25% of heat loss.
* Hang curtains to reduce heat transfer.
* Lay ā€œdoor snakesā€ to stop cold air from entering – aluminium skirts with rubber seals on
the outside of doors are also highly effective.
* Seal cavities in and between bricks with a polyurethane sealant.
* Seal the chimney if you have one ā€“ the best way is to have a damper installed when the
chimney is not in use; if not utilised at all, seal it at the top and bottom.
* Install fire-retardant ceiling insulation ā€“ with approximately 40% of heat lost through the
roof, ceiling insulation makes your home up to 5% warmer in winter.
* Delay using your space heater, especially between 5pm and 9pm, the period of peak
demand for electricity in the residential sector – instead, dress warmly, cover yourself
with a thick blanket and snuggle up with a hot water bottle.
* Only heat the room you are occupying, and use the correct type of heater when you feel
the need for extra warmth:
* A thermostat-controlled fan heater is ideal to quickly heat a room of 3 x 3 x 2.5 meters for
one hour.
* A thermostat-controlled oil heater no bigger than 2 000W (watt) is the best choice to heat
the same room for three hours.
* A thermostat-controlled heater no bigger than 1 000W (watt) is the most energy efficient
option to heat it for eight hours.
* Most gas heaters generate a great amount of heat and do not require electricity at all.

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