
Avoid being a victim of cash robberies

Avoid being a victim of cash robberies

Theft or cloning of bank cards at ATM’s are reported frequently – also in Parys. Avoid being a victim by paying attention to these useful tips, says w.o Jan le Roux from Parys SAPS:
* Ask anyone to assist you at the ATM, not even a security guard of bank official. Rather go inside the Bank for help.
* Never force yur card into the slot as it might have been tampered with.
* Do not insert your card if the screen layout is not familiar to you and look like the machine has been tampered with.
* Don’t use ATM’s where the card slot, keypad or screen has been tampered with. It could be an attempts to get hold o your card.
* If your card is swallowed by the ATM, do not leave the ATM before you have cancelled the card
* If you think the ATM is faulty cancel the transaction immediately, report the fault to your Bank and transact at another ATM.
* Have your card ready in you hand before you approach the ATM to avoid opening you purse, bag or wallet while in the queue.
* Be cautious of strangers offering to help as they could be trying to distract you in order to get your card or pin.
* Follow the instructions on the ATM screen carefully.
* Report suspicious items or people around ATMs to the Bank.
* Choose familiar and well-lit ATMs.

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