
Critical but stable after motorcycle accident

Thank you to everyone who is supporting the family, his loved ones and those that are praying for Norbert’s recovery.

Norbert Gluchowski, well known to so many in Parys, is stable, but still in a critical condition in the Trauma Unit of the Milpark Netcare Hospital, after a very serious motorcycle accident.
The accident occured on Sunday 15 July on the Parys/Potchefstroom road.
Norbert was on his way from Potch to Parys at around 18:00 when the accident happened. He suffered serious injuries to his pelvis, knee, hands and feet.
For Norbert it will be a very long road to recovery. He has already undergone two surgeries. The first was to stabilise his broken pelvis by inserting an external fixture and to stabilise the leg, which was done in Potchefstroom.
Thereafter he was transferred to Milpark where they operated on the leg again.
Apart from this Norbert has sustained injuries to his foot, bladder, and has two broken fingers, one on each hand, which will need pins to reconstruct.
He is receiving physiotherapy, although limited, on a daily basis in order to help prevent further complications.
Norbert is part of a family business, namely,  Parys Tombstones & Monumentals. He has been a resident in Parys since 1987.
A Facebook page has since been established where updates will be posted on how he is doing. The page is called Norbert’s Immediate Support & Road2 Recovery Fund Raiser.
The process has also been started to set up a support account for Norbert, as he is a private patient. All details will be posted on the Facebook page once it is set-up.
 Going forward Norbert will have to face many challenges and incredibly big obstacles. He will need extensive physiotherapy. His exact recovery time is unknown. Depending on the outcome of the next operation he will most likely remain in the hospital for a minimum of four weeks.
He will need strict and careful monitoring for the next several days.   Every surgery will need to be successful if he is to make a full recovery.
Thank you to everyone who is supporting the family, his loved ones and those that are praying for Norbert’s recovery.
* A lady helped Norbert on the scene immediately after the accident, and stayed with him till the ambulance arrived. The people directly involved would like to get in contact with her to thank her for the assistance she gave.
She can please contact the Parys Gazette office on (056) 817 2267 during office hours.

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