
IEC sets date for Parys Ward 12 by-election

By-election date set for Ward 12.

The Independent Electoral Commission has announced that the date for the by-election in Ward 12, Ngwathe, is 5 September.
This follows the resignation of the well-known Parys councillor, Saal de Jager, for personal reasons.
The three voting stations in the Ward – Parys Library, Parys Town Hall and AME St Leonard Church – will be open from 08:00 to 17:00 during the registration weekend, 21 and 22 July.
Meanwhile, the DA has urged residents in this ward to make sure they are properly registered by visiting the IEC office in the Forum Building, Liebenbergstrek during office hours on weekdays.
The party’s Ngwathe caucus leader, Carina Serfontein, has pointed out that if their addresses are not on the voters’ roll, or are wrong, they will not be able to vote in this by-election or the general election next year. The IEC has also scheduled 13, 14 and 15 July for  officials to visit voters’ homes to register voters.

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