
Are you ready to assist in a roadside emergency?

With hundreds of accidents happening daily on our roads the chances of you witnessing an accident are high. Are you prepared, in the unfortunate event of an accident, to get out of your own car and assist?




Dewald Ranft, Chairman of the Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA), an affiliated association of the Retail Motor Industry (RMI), says most motorists are ill-prepared to really help. “Very few motorists have a first-aid kit in their cars or a small fire extinguisher. Yet these items could make all the difference in an accident situation.”

While he recognises the fact that the ordinary motorist is not a paramedic, “a small first-aid kit contains some basic items that could be very helpful including a pair of gloves, an essential before handling any open wounds,” he advises.


A small fire extinguisher for your car is also worth considering. “There were several reported incidents during the last few years where vehicles have caught on fire and literally burnt to the ground. By having a fire extinguisher in the vehicle these fires could have possibly been stopped in the early stages.”

Dewald encourages motorists to invest in a first-aid kit and fire extinguisher for their cars. “These items are inexpensive and readily available. Speak to your local workshop owner on where to find them.”


He adds that it is also important to have emergency numbers on hand. “Save a few emergency numbers on your phone. Three worth having are: Nationwide emergency response – 10111, Ambulance – 10177 and Cell phone emergency line – 112.”

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