
Parents urged to support election process

The process for the election of school governing bodies is being done from 1-31 March. Dr. J.M. Moeletsi, Circuit Manager for Fezile Dabi’s Circuit 5 which includes all schools in Parys and Vredefort, this week urged parents to make sure they give their vote as support for the election process is vital. Schools where a …

The process for the election of school governing bodies is being done from 1-31 March.
Dr. J.M. Moeletsi, Circuit Manager for Fezile Dabi’s Circuit 5 which includes all schools in Parys and Vredefort, this week urged parents to make sure they give their vote as support for the election process is vital. Schools where a corum could not be reached, will have to rerun the election process, he said.
The elections itself is begin done from 1-15 March, and the rerun process from 16-31 March.
Parents who have questions are welcome to phone Dr. Moeletsi during office hours on 056 819 0016 or visit him at his office at Phehellang Secondary School in Tumahole.

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