
NW Hawks arrest more bogus doctors

On Monday, the Hawks in North West province arrested Dr. Parbold Jogi (44), Aboubacar Mabungu (36), and Jimmy Omange (39) for fraud and contravening the Health Professions Council Act. Photo: Glocal Khabar On Monday, the Hawks in North West province arrested Dr. Parbold Jogi (44), Aboubacar Mabungu (36), and Jimmy Omange (39) for fraud and …

Photo: Glocal Khabar

On Monday, the Hawks in North West province arrested Dr. Parbold Jogi (44), Aboubacar Mabungu (36), and Jimmy Omange (39) for fraud and contravening the Health Professions Council Act.
According to Hawks spokesperson, Capt. Tlangelani Rikhotso, the trio was arrested by the Hawks in Rustenburg, following a complaint alleging that they are practicing as doctors without the necessary qualifications.
‘The matter was fully investigated and the Health Professions Council of South Africa confirmed that Mabungu and Omange are not registered, medical practitioners. Mabungu and Omange had separate consulting rooms within a practice owned by Dr. Jogi where they each charged R330 for consultation.
‘More than 5000 patient files and expired medication were seized during the operation.
‘All suspects appeared before Rustenburg magistrate court on 19 September 2017, Dr. Jogi was released on R50 000 bail while Mabungu and Omange remained in custody. The three will appear again on 27 September,’ said Rikhotso.
The Provincial Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation in North West – Maj-Genl Linda Mbana warned that the Hawks will not rest until every bogus doctor is behind bars. ‘We have had seven successful convictions of these bogus doctors since last year, and I am confident that the law will prevail once again,’ she said.

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