
Two municipalities in the Free State default on their agreement

Monday, 16 January 2017: Eskom will interrupt electricity supply to two municipalities in the Free State Province with effect from this afternoon from 17h00 to 19h30, after they failed to honour their commitment to pay their outstanding debt by 10am this morning.


Monday, 16 January 2017: Eskom will interrupt electricity supply to two municipalities in the Free State Province with effect from this afternoon from 17h00 to 19h30, after they failed to honour their commitment to pay their outstanding debt by 10am this morning.

The Dihlabeng and Masilonyana municipalities in the Free State Province had agreed to make the relevant cash payment as negotiated with Eskom, a payment plan for the arears as supported by a Council Resolution and a written undertaking in the form of a Council Resolution that current accounts will be honoured going forward.

They, however, defaulted on this and as a result. will experience twice-daily supply interruptions of electricity between 06h00 – 08h00 and 17h00 – 19h30 (Monday to Friday) and 08h30 – 11h00 and 15h00 – 17h30 (Saturday and Sunday).

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