
What should I do during floods?

What are the safety tips to keep in mind when faced with a flood situation?

Floods that happened in Centurion on 3 February 2014.   Photo: YouTube

Floods that happened in Centurion on 3 February 2014. Photo: YouTube

What are the safety tips to keep in mind when faced with a flood situation?

•Call the disaster management centre

•Listen to the radio/television for updated emergency information
•Be alert to signs of flooding, and be ready for evacuation if living in a flood-prone area
•Keep eyes on streams to check water levels
•Alert your neighbours, particularly the elderly, female, disabled, child-headed households
How do I safeguard myself and my
•Never play around high water, storm drains, ditches, ravines or culverts.
•Assume that flood water contains sewage
•If you are in a vehicle and become surrounded by water, if you can get out safely, do so immediately and move to higher ground
•Stay away from stream banks and recently flooded areas
•If you come upon flood waters, stop, turn around and take another road
How do I prevent or alleviate flooding impact?
•Abide by legislation and municipal bylaws
•Be aware of where to build your house or dwelling – avoid river beds and floodplains
•Do not litter to block the drainage system
•Preserve forestry

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